Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hungarian folk tale with English subs 3/Magyar népmese angol felirattal 3: THE PRINCE WHO WANTED TO BE IMMORTAL/A HALHATATLANSÁGRA VÁGYÓ KIRÁLYFI

This folk tale has many versions. It was simplified for the sake of the animation.(The prince meets people condemned to live a long life and do certain things eg. the woman has to sew as long as a roomful of needles will go blunt. He rescues them and in return receives help from them in fighting Death but in the end the Immortal Queen saves him by tossing him into the sky just like in the animation. ) This story has Celtic roots there are related Irish, French and Flemish folk tales. source: http://mek.oszk.hu/02100/02115/html/2-984.html

Youtube link of the same video which you can also see below/Az alább is látható videó youtube linkje:

The prince who wanted to be immortal/A halhatatlanságra vágyó királyfi

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hungarian folk tales in English- magyar népmesék angol szinkronnal

Holló Jankó -Janko Raven

Nemrég felfedeztem, hogy a Magyar Népemsék sorozat egyes részei léteznek angol szinkronnal is. A "jankoraven"-nevű youtuber osztotta meg az alábbi két mesét.
I've recently discovered that some episodes of the Hungarian Folk Tales series exists in English as well. "jankoraven" shared these two videos on youtube.

Here's the stroy titled Janko Raven (Holló Jankó)

This one is Pinko (Pinkó)